Monday, November 23, 2009

Magics 14 - Lastest Software Released

The folks at Materialise have announced the latest version of their Magics pre-processing software.  Magics 14 boasts several new features including the availability of 24 hour customer service.  Visit their site to learn more by clicking the link above.

MakerBot Video Via Business Insider

Speaking of the MakerBot, we came across this nice little video that gives some insight to the Do-It-Yourself 3D Printer and the folks behind it.

Makerbot2 from Preethi Dumpala on Vimeo.

Source: Business Insider

Bright Minds Program Inspires Programs Abroad

RP Industry consultant and promoter, Terry Wohlers recently blogged about a trip to South Africa that included a program he attended with high school students to promote awareness of Additive Manufacturing.  Influenced by SME's Bright Minds Mentor Program, the one day event included 160 students and sounds like it was a great event.  

Head on over to Terry's Blog to get the whole story.

Desktop Manufacturing of Tomorrow - Apple iMake Concept

Make editor-in-chief Mark Frauenfelder recently came up with a cool concept for an Apple branded desktop 3D printer while working on a Mac|Life Magazine project.  Based on the MakerBot, the 3D printer would be open source based and could be fed files purchased and downloaded from the iTunes store.  Are personal RP machines closer than we think?

Source: BoingoBoingo

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dimension uPrint 3D Printer Recieves SEMA Awards

Stratasys recently received two awards at the SEMA Show for it's uPrint 3D Printer line.  uPrint was awarded the Global Media Award in addition to the Popular Mechanics Award during the annual automotive aftermarket tradeshow. 

The $15,000 desktop machine also won a Golden Mousetrap Award from Design News earlier this year and has been on the market for 9 months.

Source: Business Wire

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Do-It-Yourself 3D Printer Makes the List of GeekDad Holday Gifts

Wired Magazine recently released it's GeekDad Holiday Gift Guide for 2009 online.  Included on the list were the digital design sharing site Thingiverse and the MakerBot do-it-yourself open source 3D Printer.  Yet another example of Rapid Technologies making their way into the mainstream. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hunstman Partners Up To Create Composite Engines

The New York Times recently posted an article about a new partnership between Hunstman Corporation and Matti Holtzberg, an Engineer and pioneer of plastic engines, to bring plastic-composite powerplants out of the lab and onto the road.  Mr. Holtzberg has been working towards plastic engines/components for over 30 years, including the development and use of plastic race engines back in the 80's.

Get the whole story here.

Market Study Suggests the 3D Printing Market Will Reach $782 Million by 2013

Several online sources have posted a market study on 3D Printing by ABI Research.  The study suggests that the Rapid Technologies industry will grow to $782+ Million over the next 4 years.  The article highlights an increase in rapid manufacturing applications as one of the primary means of growth through medical, dental and customized product applications.  Please follow click on the links below for the full story.

Sources: Rueters, AZO Optics, NextGen Research

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Rapid 2010 - Call for Creative Designs

Looking for something to put you creative energy into?

Use your expertise to design a part, product or image that attendees assemble on the show floor at RAPID/3D IMAGING 2010. You gain exposure in the growing additive manufacturing industry, with the winner given recognition on-site, in the Event Directory and on the event website. Visitors to the event stop at several exhibitors' booths to collect the various components of the winning design, made with numerous rapid manufacturing processes. By assembling the pieces into the finished part, attendees gain a deeper understanding of the importance of rapid manufacturing and its economic impact on speeding time to market. 

Head on over the Rapid website and sumbit your design today!